Reflection, Refection, Resolution

Reflection - Serious thought or consideration of actions - past or present. 

The countdown to a new year offers a time/an excuse/an opportunity to reflect on resolutions past. You will either celebrate your accomplishment(s), or recognize the interception.  Either way, it's the journey ahead that awaits.

Refection(not misspelled) - A refreshment of mind, body and/or spirit.

What will you resolve in 2018?
Own it - Do it!


  1. I have not regrets about resolutions intercepted. My truf for partially/not achieving my resolutions is simply this - I'm a work in progress.

    As for 2018 - I resolve to make myself a hobby.

  2. My 2018 resolve is 2 start the healing Wellness is my core mine body and Soul hey the bridge is out the calvary is not coming and like Jim Brown said to Richard Pryor when he was in the hospital what you going to do rich what you going to do bro so my purpose and hopefully your purpose is to make the world a better place a brighter place and a more peaceful place ready or not here I come says 2018 here I come

    1. You, my brutha already make the world a better place with your passion for people. You keep your doors open to anyone in need. Never change my friend. As for that other refection & resolution, I’ve got my good eye on you, Boo-Boo. 😘

  3. I resolve to do what I can with #readingblack to have a positive impact on the Black book ecosystem. I also plan to become more physically active and get from behind the computer more often. Actually these resolution are immediate--why wait for the new year? :-)

    1. I hear ya and thamk you for supporting the #blackword! The gift of knowledge and entertainment from my side of the street - das wassup.


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